
LPDDR5X: 微米 low-power mobile DRAM offers high performance and improved power efficiency for AI experiences

罗斯·德莫特| 2024年4月

When it comes to enabling generative artificial intelligence (AI) experiences at the edge, the high-performance and low-power mobile memory inside of your device is critical. 在微米, we have a track record for delivering the world’s highest bandwidth and lowest power memory to global smartphone manufacturers and chipset vendors to design into the world’s leading smartphones.

We have again pushed the boundaries further with an improved 9.6gbps LPDDR5X memory solution, which we are currently sampling to the mobile ecosystem. Benefits include sustained high-bandwidth capabilities for AI-intensive applications and further improved power efficiency. When it comes to battery life, every minute that the end user gains is a win. 我们最新的9.6gbps内存解决方案, we deliver an additional 4% power savings compared to our previous generation, 哪个已经提供了一流的动力.1 为了更好地理解这一点, a leading flagship smartphone vendor claims to deliver 23 hours of video playback. 如果手机的每个部件都能减少4%的电量, 终端用户将获得额外一小时的视频播放时间, 使总播放潜力达到24小时.2 That would be the equivalent of enjoying two more episodes of your favorite streaming show before needing to connect your device to power.


基于消费者调查, smartphone battery life is the top pain point for end users and is a critical area for improvement among smartphone manufacturers. 事实上, 71%的智能手机 users stated that battery life is the most important feature they consider when purchasing a new phone. Battery life easily outpaces other key features such as durability of the device (61%), 摄像头质量(48%)和5G连接(24%).




Our first-to-market 1ß (1-beta) process node has advanced power-saving capabilities that utilize enhanced dynamic voltage and frequency scaling core (eDVFSC) techniques and second-generation high-k metal gate (HKMG) technology to unlock unprecedented power savings. This advanced technology delivers significant power improvements and the flexibility to deliver workload-customized power and performance. In addition to power savings, the 1β process node provides over 12% higher peak bandwidth.3 These power and bandwidth improvements accelerate efficient and effective AI experiences at the edge.


High bandwidth, power efficient mobile memory for flagship smartphones


  • 先进的图案倍增光刻技术
  • 扩展LPDDR5的领导力
  • 提供改进的功率和性能
  • 现在出货样品9件.6Gbps,进一步提高了省电能力

AI use cases at the edge are accelerated with high-performance, power-efficient memory


As AI use cases and applications permeate flagship smartphones, these advancements are projected to trickle down to high-end and mid-tier devices in the future. Counterpoint Re搜索 stated earlier this year that over 1 billion AI smartphones are projected to ship globally by 2027, a true testament to the massive demand and quick adoption of AI for the mobile ecosystem and end users. With the proliferation of new AI use cases and the advancements of foundational models delivering more sophisticated and precise feedback, the importance of high-performance and power-efficient memory becomes even more critical to fuel the AI engines that ensure exceptional end user experiences.

边缘人工智能目前还处于起步阶段, and we see many opportunities and challenges that the mobile ecosystem will need to overcome for us to reach full potential and mass adoption. 好处是显而易见的:数据的安全性和隐私性, 即时响应,不依赖于云, 更低的基础设施成本. 硬件面临的挑战, 软件和架构仍在探索中, and standardizations for foundational models are still being solidified. 在微米, 我们将继续走在最前沿, delivering solutions that are geared to accelerate AI innovation for today and for the future.


1 与之前推出的9.6gbps LPDDR5X

2 基于iPhone 15 Pro声称的23小时视频播放

3 根据1- α基LPDDR5X测量



罗斯Dermott is the Vice President of Product Line Management for the 移动 Business Unit at 微米 Technology. 他在亚洲领导一个团队, 美国, 和欧洲, 与手机oem密切合作, 更广泛的移动生态系统, and 微米’s world class engineering teams to deliver 微米’s industry leading product portfolio to the mobile market.

Ross has been with 微米 for more than 20 years in roles spanning engineering, 策略, 营销方面,他是12项专利的发明人. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Montana State University in electrical engineering and a Master’s in Business Administration from UCLA’s Anderson School of Business. Ross is also on the Board of Directors for the Saint Alphonsus Foundation, which helps the Saint Alphonsus hospital meet its objective of bringing state-of-the-art medical care to those in need.