
微米 and AMD deliver exceptional performance

Krishna Yalamanchi, Sudharshan Vazhkudai | September 2023

美光和AMD通过96GB DDR5和第四代AMD EPYC™处理器为云原生工作负载提供卓越的性能

美光最近宣布推出高性能RDIMM解决方案,以帮助解决计算密集型人工智能(AI)问题。, data analytics and memory-focused workloads. Working in collaboration with AMD, 我们的共同目标是通过利用美光DDR5的功能和第四代AMD EPYC™处理器的先进功能来提升高性能计算(HPC)工作负载. 从那时起, both companies have achieved remarkable progress, including the successful validation of new capacities like 24GB, 48GB and 96GB DDR5 DIMMs in January 2023. 这篇博文的重点是展示新的96GB DDR5与第四代AMD EPYC处理器的令人印象深刻的性能.

Capitalizing on strengths to gain improvements

By collaborating with AMD, 美光充分利用了AMD最新EPYC处理器的云原生计算优势, offering superior power efficiency. These improvements target sustainability goals and, along with high performance per watt, 完全符合数据中心行业中广泛使用的关键指标.

Here are the key strengths of this combination:

  • 领先的性能:AMD EPYC 9754处理器专为满足云原生工作负载的需求而设计. 每个处理器有多达128个物理内核和大量的L3缓存大小(每个处理器多达384MB), they provide a high level of parallel processing power. 这种功能可以有效地执行并发任务,并支持云原生应用程序所需的可伸缩性. 
  • 令人印象深刻的DDR5速度:美光DDR5内存模块的设计速度高达51.2 GB/s, ensuring fast data access and transfer within the system. 这种高带宽允许无缝处理大型数据集,并支持云原生工作负载所需的快速数据处理.
  • 尖端的处理:美光先进的1β (1-beta)节点处理技术为表带来了几个好处. It offers a 15% improvement in power efficiency, enabling more compute power while minimizing energy consumption. 另外, 每个芯片容量为16Gb时,比特密度比上一代1α (1- α)增加了35%。, 允许更高的内存容量和改进的整体系统性能.
  • 增强数据完整性和可靠性:microron DDR5内存采用集成的ECC奇偶校验功能,通过检测和纠正内存错误,保证数据完整性. 此功能对于处理大量关键数据的云原生工作负载至关重要, providing an added layer of protection against potential data corruption. ECC奇偶校验的存在提高了系统的整体可靠性和稳定性.
  • 能效和性能:AMD最新的128核处理器专注于能效, 提供卓越的能源效率,同时支持云原生工作负载. The processor boasts proven RAS (Reliability, 可用性, (可服务性)能力和广泛的x86硬件和软件兼容性. Our testing reveals an outstanding performance/watt improvement of 2.68x compared to the previous generation.

By leveraging the power of AMD EPYC 9754 processors, the high-speed and efficient 微米 DDR5 memory, and the robust ECC parity feature, we see an optimal solution for cloud-native workloads. This combination enables high-performance computing, efficient data processing, broad memory capacities, and reliable operation, 所有这些对于现代数据中心环境中的云原生应用程序都是必不可少的. 

Configuring and benchmarking cloud in-memory data stores

模拟与美光自己的IT云原生环境非常相似的工作负载, we selected the Redis YCSB Proofpoint Workload D. This workload encompasses 250 million rows, each with a record size of 2KB, resulting in a total database size of 925GB. 

测试设置包括运行64个实例,一个Redis服务器和四个客户端, with a focus on performance and scaling. Performance was measured using operations per second (ops/s), 我们扩展了工作负载,同时确保延迟保持与上一代相同或更低. 

   使用DDR4进行测试   DDR5测试
 处理器  Dual CPU 3rd Gen AMD EPYC 7763 with 64 cores at 3.7 GHz  1 CPU 4th Gen AMD EPYC 9004 with 128 cores at 3.7 GHz
 内存容量  DDR4 3200 1 DIMM per channel 1 TB  DDR5 4800 1 DIMM per channel 1.15 TB
 内存DIMM  64GB  96GB
 软件栈  Alma 9 Linux kernel 5.14  Alma 9 Linux kernel 5.14
 电力消耗  321瓦   161瓦
 Operations per second (ops/s)  739,655  978,191
 Ops/s / w  2262  6064
 延迟  0.19 ms   0.14 ms 


该测试涉及将10亿条记录加载到一个925GB的Redis数据库中,并运行64个实例, achieving a throughput of 978,191年运维/秒. 与上一代相比,这一结果显着提高了32%, with an average read latency of 0.14 ms. 值得注意的是, 在我们的测试中,由单个第四代AMD EPYC处理器驱动的系统比带有第三代AMD EPYC处理器的双插槽DDR4系统消耗的功耗低47%. 

美光DDR5内存能够在较低的电压水平下工作,并与最新的AMD EPYC高效和高核数处理器相结合. It has resulted in an impressive 2.68 times improvement in performance per watt.


While we have tested an in-memory database, similar results can be obtained for cloud-native workloads. 云-native workloads are typically containerized and microservices-based, and they use modern DevOps practices for continuous integration and delivery. 云原生工作负载旨在充分利用云原生技术和服务, such as serverless computing, managed databases and container orchestration platforms, to deliver high performance, availability and resilience.


To learn more about 微米's groundbreaking collaboration with AMD 以及搭载第四代AMD EPYC处理器的96GB DDR5 dimm令人印象深刻的性能, we encourage you to reach out. 我们的专家团队可以提供详细的见解和技术规范, and we can answer any questions you may have. 在数据中心发展的世界中保持领先地位,探索AMD和美光合作所提供的可能性.

来自美光数据中心负载工程团队的Muktikanta Sa的贡献.

Sr Manager, Ecosystem Enablement

Krishna Yalamanchi

Krishna是高级生态系统开发经理,专注于DDR5和CXL解决方案. 以前, Krishna lead SAP HANA migration for Intel IT, 通过他们的SI合作伙伴生态系统推出了针对SAP工作负载的第三代和第四代英特尔至强, OEM’s and 云 Service Providers.

Director, Workload Analytics

Sudharshan Vazhkudai

Dr. Sudharshan年代. Vazhkudai是美光公司系统架构/工作负载分析总监. He leads a team spread across Austin and Hyderabad, 印度, focusing on understanding the composability of the memory/storage (DDR, CXL, HBM和NVMe)沙巴体育结算平台层次结构,并针对数据中心工作负载优化系统架构.