
Multiple shots. One perfect memory.

美光科技| 2020年6月

你的记忆是不可替代的. 钱可以买一台新电视,房子,甚至一个岛. 但金钱买不到你初吻时的那种兴奋感. 它无法捕捉到已逝祖父母的笑容. 它不能激发第一次抱着孩子的喜悦,知道你的生活已经永远改变了.

这是记忆的一部分,也是照片的一部分. 我们的大脑并不是完美的记录者. 我们依靠照片来带回生活的细节,填补我们模糊回忆周围的像素. 是的,你在高中的时候真的留了那个可笑的发型. Maybe seeing that again makes you nostalgic about your awkward phase. Whatever the sentiment, that yearbook photo makes you feel something.

这就是为什么我们会听到一些父母从着火的房子里逃出来,一只胳膊下夹着孩子,另一只胳膊下夹着一本相册. Thankfully, preserving images is easier in the digital age — as is taking better images. 笨重的傻瓜相机不见了, rolls of expensive film and trips to the convenience store for developing. Today, 我们在能够存储成千上万张照片的智能手机上拍摄, 更别提云存储了,它的容量基本上是无限的. In less than a minute, 智能手机用户可以拍摄, 在社交媒体上编辑和分享高质量的图像, the modern photo album.

Better photos can mean better memories, or at least more accurate memories. 严肃的摄影师们带着昂贵的数码单反相机(也就是dslr)到处跑。, 换镜头,修改复杂的光圈和速度设置. Of course, professional photographers and enthusiasts will prefer their DSLR for photo shoots. The highest quality professional images still come from DSLR cameras. But what about capturing the precious spur-of-the-moment experiences of daily life? What about those of us without professional photography training or skills? 我们的智能手机能拍出接近专业水平的照片吗?


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"People are expecting multiple cameras and expecting to capture multiple images, very quickly, 他们这边不做任何处理."

Rahul Desai



“We’ve all heard the old adage that the best camera is the one in your pocket, 今天,你的智能手机总是在你的口袋里,” he says. “People are expecting multiple cameras and expecting to capture multiple images, very quickly, 他们这边不做任何处理.”


Modern smartphones’ camera features far exceed those of even a few years ago. The Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro and Motorola edge+ both boast software not typically available on DSLRs, including night modes, panoramic settings, document modes, 以及堆叠多张图片以创建最佳照片的能力. Both also use artificial intelligence (AI) to figure out what kinds of images its user prefers.

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如今,iphone等高端手机 Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro™ and the Motorola edge+™ have multiple lenses that switch mid-zoom without the user ever noticing. 两者都采用了"计算摄影,” which basically means smart cameras automatically apply settings to create better photos. 算法读取光, 景深和其他因素来调整设置,过去需要昂贵的数码相机和熟练的操作员. And these cameras, guided by software, 抓拍几张图片,然后选出最好的一张, cutting the wheat from the chaff without users needing to hit the delete button over and over.

That’s just a small sample of how far camera phone technology has come in a short time, 帮助你在没有单反相机的情况下成为一个更好的摄影师, says Rahul Desai, 摩托罗拉软件沙巴体育结算平台管理总监.

“We’ve all heard the old adage that the best camera is the one in your pocket, 今天,你的智能手机总是在你的口袋里,” he says. “People are expecting multiple cameras and expecting to capture multiple images, very quickly, 他们这边不做任何处理.”

Modern smartphones’ camera features far exceed those of even a few years ago. The Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro and Motorola edge+ both boast software not typically available on DSLRs, including night modes, panoramic settings, document modes, 以及堆叠多张图片以创建最佳照片的能力. Both also use artificial intelligence (AI) to figure out what kinds of images its user prefers.

信息图:当你用智能手机拍照时会发生什么 信息图:当你用智能手机拍照时会发生什么

The result, Chang Cheng, 小米集团副总裁说, 快速提高外行摄影师的技能.

“普通用户不需要知道拍一张好照片需要什么样的光线或什么样的构图,” Cheng says. “Instead, they can easily capture a high-quality photo with one tap.”

你口袋里的相机是一个科技奇迹. 要拍出低光照片或特写照片,需要最先进的相机硬件和超级智能的软件. Most importantly, though, you need the brain and the body to work in tandem. 以下是摩托罗拉和小米智能手机摄像头的做法.

With more lenses on your smartphone, you don’t need all the photography gear!

人们很容易认为智能手机的薄外形是理所当然的. 摩托罗拉edge+有三个镜头. 小米10 Pro有四个. 两者都提供了足够大的传感器,使用户能够在弱光环境下拍摄高质量的照片. 过去,智能手机只能在有限的深度范围内拍出好照片. Today, edge+可以拍摄远距离全景风景,也可以拍摄距离拍摄对象2厘米以内的特写.

黄昏时,一条河的背景是一座灯火通明的桥 夜色下一座桥的照片, taken with a 2014 flagship smartphone (top) and the 2020 Motorola edge+ (bottom), 说明更大的传感器和计算摄影技术如何使捕捉到六年前不可能的镜头成为可能.

几年前,当手机制造商开始为手机配备多镜头时,有人说这是噱头, says Matt Biggerstaff, 摩托罗拉图像硬件工程总监. 这个概念很快就消失了,因为用户们接受了在口袋里装上相当于整个相机包的功能.

“Now, phones are modeled after the DSLR where you have different lenses and multiple focal lengths,” he says. “他们都做不同的事情, and they are all really important for capturing any image that’s in front of you.”


更苛刻的相机功能需要更多的DRAM来顺利运行拍摄和编辑应用程序. 这就是美光的用武之地. 小米10 Pro和摩托罗拉edge+都拥有高达12g的美光下一代低功耗DDR5 DRAM (LPDDR5)。, 比一些台式电脑还要多, 赋予这些手机计算能力,将人工智能和其他复杂算法整合到相机中. 随着5G连接的出现,手机对DRAM的需求不断增加. From just 2018 to 2020, the amount of low-power DRAM in the highest-end flagship phones has doubled from 8GB to 16GB.

"Micron’s brand and its LPDDR5 memory have been widely recognized as flagship technology."

Chang Cheng

沙巴体育结算平台的持续狂热, Micron’s brand and its LPDDR5 memory have been widely recognized as flagship technology.”


摩托罗拉edge+保留了一部分内存,专门用于相机和相机操作, ensuring the user experience doesn’t bog down under the tremendous amounts of data processing.


“We’re pinning memory so things are a lot snappier,” Biggerstaff says. “Sometimes we’re stacking up to 12 frames, with a native resolution of 27 megapixels. 从DRAM的角度来看,这是相当密集的. This way, users will not only get the best image, but they’ll get it as quickly as they can.”


5G will put the most robust imaging software in the cloud, freeing up your smartphone


Thus far, the physical size of smartphones has been their limiting factor. 但预计在不久的将来,当5G连接成为主流时,情况就不会如此了, 使手机制造商能够将最困难的数字工作转移到云端,而不是放在他们的设备上. (摩托罗拉edge+和小米10 Pro已经具备5G功能.)


手机的空间和电池寿命是有限的. 即使使用低功耗DDR5 DRAM,手机也还不是超级计算机. 将智能手机与云和5G网络配对, on the other hand, 能腾出那么多空间吗, 果汁和计算重量作为服务提供商分配给他们. 5G有望比4G网络快20倍, increasing the amount of data flowing in and out of the cloud at 20 gigabits per second, 这意味着下一代计算摄影可以更有效地利用云的力量. 因此,摩托罗拉计划在不占用手机资源的情况下堆叠这12张照片——或者将来作为更复杂的照片应用程序的一部分堆叠更多.

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美光LPDDR5 DRAM比前几代快50%,功耗降低20%, 为更好的相机和更智能的程序打开了大门.

“小米是最早使用LPDDR5内存的公司之一, 这为提供高效便捷的用户体验奠定了坚实的技术基础,” Cheng says. “Meanwhile, 这要归功于对小米旗舰沙巴体育结算平台的持续狂热, Micron’s brand and its LPDDR5 memory have been widely recognized as flagship technology.”

摩托罗拉edge+保留了一部分内存,专门用于相机和相机操作, ensuring the user experience doesn’t bog down under the tremendous amounts of data processing.

“We’re pinning memory so things are a lot snappier,” Biggerstaff says. “Sometimes we’re stacking up to 12 frames, with a native resolution of 27 megapixels. 从DRAM的角度来看,这是相当密集的. This way, users will not only get the best image, but they’ll get it as quickly as they can.”

5G will put the most robust imaging software in the cloud, freeing up your smartphone

Thus far, the physical size of smartphones has been their limiting factor. 但预计在不久的将来,当5G连接成为主流时,情况就不会如此了, 使手机制造商能够将最困难的数字工作转移到云端,而不是放在他们的设备上. (摩托罗拉edge+和小米10 Pro已经具备5G功能.)

手机的空间和电池寿命是有限的. 即使使用低功耗DDR5 DRAM,手机也还不是超级计算机. 将智能手机与云和5G网络配对, on the other hand, 能腾出那么多空间吗, 果汁和计算重量作为服务提供商分配给他们. 5G有望比4G网络快20倍, increasing the amount of data flowing in and out of the cloud at 20 gigabits per second, 这意味着下一代计算摄影可以更有效地利用云的力量. 因此,摩托罗拉计划在不占用手机资源的情况下堆叠这12张照片——或者将来作为更复杂的照片应用程序的一部分堆叠更多.

用2020年小米10 Pro拍摄的花的照片 计算摄影技术让你五彩缤纷, 你最喜欢的公园里鲜花的动态照片. 上面的照片是用2014年的旗舰手机拍摄的. 注意,高光部分曝光过度, and the lightly blurred background (bokeh) was achieved through traditional mechanical means. 下面的照片是用2020年的小米Mi 10 Pro拍摄的,采用了计算摄影技术,使用高动态范围(HDR)方法来组合多张图像, achieve optimal exposure and artificially blur the background to focus on the flower.

5G will open the AI floodgates for 计算摄影, Cheng says. 如今手机上的算法可以做很多智能的事情. 未来的手机将真正为每个用户量身定制功能. 这就是AI所释放的力量.

“在手机上无法完成或难以完成的人工智能操作可以传输到云端,” Cheng says, 借助高速低延迟的5G网络、更强大的计算能力和更快的传输速度, 从而将移动摄影的范围提升到一个更高的水平.”

AI features like image straightening and cropping suggestions based on the rule of thirds, a core concept for understanding photo composition, are available in phones today. If you’re like most people, you’ve taken terrible photos of beautiful fireworks. 计算算法可以识别困难的照片环境,并调整设置,使这些图像更亮.

德赛解释说:“(有了人工智能)我们可以智能地判断出这个场景是否是烟花... Night vision stacks multiple frames to give you a brighter image at night, but we want to make sure that doesn’t trigger when you’re taking photos of fireworks, 因为那样会一团糟. So there’s a priority algorithm that’s looking at that in the background.”

但这仅仅是个开始,德赛说. The cloud is expected to propel 计算摄影 to new heights in the coming years.

“You can take an entire image and send it up to the cloud to make adjustments,” says Desai. “用户并不总是喜欢自然的照片. They prefer more vibrant, some might even say artificial, things that make images pop. 我们可以在云端做到这一点.”


那些旧相册是保存记忆的记录. Photos of our grandparents or our children help us retrace the steps in our lives. 这些与过去的联系是宝贵的,即使在很多情况下,这些照片不是很好. The exposure was off, 一个亲戚从相框上剪掉了, 快门一响,一个人眨了眨眼, 或者照片已经随着时间变黄了. 我们已经接受了不完美的照片,因为我们大多数人都不是伟大的摄影师,因为随着时间的推移,这种媒介在物理上也会退化.

2014年旗舰手机和2020年小米10 Pro的照片对比 人像模式使用计算摄影技术,人为地模糊背景,将焦点集中在我们想要记住的人身上. 上面的照片是用2014年的旗舰智能手机拍摄的,该智能手机是在人像模式成为标准功能之前生产的. The photo on the bottom was taken with a 2020 Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro in portrait mode.

备份在云中的数字文件,包含有关日期和地点的元数据,不会在火灾中烧毁. Computational photography will make all of us competent photographers, meaning Grandma’s eyes will be open in that nice shot on her porch at dusk, 我们想要记住她的方式.

智能手机并不意味着我们的生活更丰富、更充实. 这部分还是由我们来决定. 但智能手机和先进的技术将确保我们能够从更好的图像中作画,帮助我们回忆生活中的时刻. That’s irreplaceable.

对比照片由Tom DiGiurco拍摄. Motorola and Xiaomi are registered trademarks of their respective brands. 美光科技没有摩托罗拉或小米的股权, though Micron does conduct business with both companies individually. 摩托罗拉和小米的报价是所引用个人的观点和意见,并不一定反映美光科技或其各自公司的观点和意见. 5G网络可能不会在所有地区都可用.