
Building safety into automotive silicon

罗伯特贝耳俾 | February 2021

沙巴体育结算平台, it is 清晰的ly becoming a greater focus for semiconductor suppliers.


半导体供应商(包括内存供应商)正在提供增强的支持,以帮助汽车Tier 1和原始设备制造商在功能安全方面做出努力. In November, 微米 released a video, “Questions to Ask Your 内存 Supplier 沙巴体育安卓版下载 Functional Safety for DRAM在这篇文章中,我们概述了记忆在影响整体安全水平方面发挥的日益重要的作用,以及在制定安全策略时需要考虑的问题.


ISO 26262将功能安全定义为“不存在由于电气/电子系统故障行为引起的危害而造成的不合理风险”.” Malfunctions are classified into two failure types:

  • 系统故障:这些故障以确定的方式发生-通常在沙巴体育结算平台设计或开发期间引入. 这些失败通常通过采用文档化良好的过程和方法来解决, including safety planning, safety concept documentation, requirements traceability, proactive safety analysis tools, 健壮的验证, operational procedures and other associated factors.
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  • 随机故障:这些故障是在设备的生命周期中任意出现的故障. 随机故障可以进一步分为两类:瞬态故障(单事件异常或软错误)或永久故障(硬错误,如卡在逻辑级别). 这些类型的故障通常通过引入有助于识别这些故障的安全机制来解决, enabling the system to take the proper actions, including correcting the fault or enabling the system to maintain a safe state.
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Several safety mechanisms are employed at the hardware and system levels:

  • Redundancy: This mechanism can typically be implemented at the hardware level.
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  • Cyclic redundancy check: This mechanism is typically used for error detection.
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  • 纠错码:该机制通常用于错误检测和纠错.
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  • 内置自检:该机制提供额外的电路,以验证准确的设备操作, either continuously or during 权力-up.
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用于检测随机故障及时(FIT)和风险可能性的安全机制的有效性通过各种度量来衡量, including single-point fault metric (SPFM) and latent fault metric (线性调频). 这些指标用于度量给定硬件组件的功能安全性.


ASILs establish safety requirements for automotive components


ASIL refers to the 汽车 Safety Integrity Level, 由ISO 26262标准定义的用于道路车辆功能安全的风险分类系统. ASIL A systems have the least stringent level of safety reduction, whereas ASIL D is the most stringent. Because higher ASIL levels typically imply increased levels of cost and complexity, 给定系统所需的ASIL级别与该系统故障对车辆运行的影响直接相关.


硬件系统, ASIL需求确定了故障度量的必要值,如下表所示.

ASIL                               失败率(适合                             线性调频                                SPFM                                   
A                               < 1,000                                —                                —                                   
B                               < 100                             ≥ 60%                             ≥ 90%                                
C                               < 100                             ≥ 80%                             ≥ 97%                                
D                               < 10                             ≥ 90%                             ≥ 99%                               

微米 announces industry-leading portfolio of auto-qualified solutions for safety


鉴于我们对汽车市场的深入了解以及存储器在安全应用中的作用和重要性, 美光公司高兴地宣布我们业界领先的基于安全的解决方案组合. 这些解决方案强调了我们30年来为汽车市场提供领先解决方案的承诺. 这也反映了美光在过去两年中在许多方面进行的一系列广泛投资,以满足对符合安全标准的解决方案的新需求:

  • Forming a dedicated functional safety office staffed with industry safety veterans
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  • Adopting ISO 26262-compliant processes and methodologies across 微米
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  • Establishing a team of safety experts, including system architects and 应用程序 engineers for consultation support
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  • 引入业界首个由业界领先的安全专家进行的独立评估, exida美光的汽车LPDDR5适用于包括ASIL D在内的安全系统
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  • 根据ISO 26262-8第13条,获得供应商执行的硬件评估报告
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  • 进行广泛的功能安全分析,大大简化客户分析
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美光符合jedec标准的LPDDR5是美光广泛的汽车内存和存储沙巴体育结算平台组合中的第一款沙巴体育结算平台,被认为适用于任何ASIL级别的安全系统. System integrators are ultimately responsible for justifying that all electronic components and subsystems are suitable for safety-related systems; 微米 as the memory developer is in a position of expertise and design data availability to support system integrators in that justification. 微米’s LPDDR5 product is accompanied with product-safety documentation collateral, including a hardware evaluation report by the first industry supplier, as well as safety application notes and analysis reports. 除了, 符合安全标准的LPDDR5记忆体系列包含独特且创新的“安全引擎”,” which enables significant system-level, 权力, performance and cost benefits to be realized. 美光安全解决方案使系统集成商能够更好地确保DRAM不受系统故障的影响,同时显著提高系统性能, 权力, 成本和可用性.


It is only through 微米’s extensive understanding of DRAM, the automotive market and associated architectures, and functional safety that 微米 can deliver this innovative product family. The first automotive-qualified package configurations are available now, and the product is in high-volume manufacturing at our fabrication facilities.


A leading independent functional safety expert, exida, 提供了这样的评论:“功能安全对于先进汽车系统的发展至关重要, 但到目前为止, memory has had a somewhat neglected commercial off-the-shelf existence,” said Alexander Griessing, chief operating officer and principal safety expert at exida. “美光推出了业界领先的汽车LPDDR5,并专注于ISO 26262, setting a new standard for the rest of the memory industry. This increased attention to functional safety will benefit all, from automakers to consumers who need advanced, 安全的车辆.”

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Safety-critical automotive 应用程序, 就其本质而言, have an inherent need for both high reliability and safety. 虽然功能安全要求一直是由汽车Tier 1和原始设备制造商解决的, 随着系统级复杂性的增加和与今天和未来的车辆相关的电子沙巴体育结算平台, it is 清晰的ly becoming a greater focus for semiconductor suppliers.

半导体供应商(包括内存供应商)正在提供增强的支持,以帮助汽车Tier 1和原始设备制造商在功能安全方面做出努力. In November, 微米 released a video, “Questions to Ask Your 内存 Supplier 沙巴体育安卓版下载 Functional Safety for DRAM在这篇文章中,我们概述了记忆在影响整体安全水平方面发挥的日益重要的作用,以及在制定安全策略时需要考虑的问题.

ISO 26262将功能安全定义为“不存在由于电气/电子系统故障行为引起的危害而造成的不合理风险”.” Malfunctions are classified into two failure types:

  • 系统故障:这些故障以确定的方式发生-通常在沙巴体育结算平台设计或开发期间引入. 这些失败通常通过采用文档化良好的过程和方法来解决, including safety planning, safety concept documentation, requirements traceability, proactive safety analysis tools, 健壮的验证, operational procedures and other associated factors.
  • 随机故障:这些故障是在设备的生命周期中任意出现的故障. 随机故障可以进一步分为两类:瞬态故障(单事件异常或软错误)或永久故障(硬错误,如卡在逻辑级别). 这些类型的故障通常通过引入有助于识别这些故障的安全机制来解决, enabling the system to take the proper actions, including correcting the fault or enabling the system to maintain a safe state.

Several safety mechanisms are employed at the hardware and system levels:

  • Redundancy: This mechanism can typically be implemented at the hardware level.
  • Cyclic redundancy check: This mechanism is typically used for error detection.
  • 纠错码:该机制通常用于错误检测和纠错.
  • 内置自检:该机制提供额外的电路,以验证准确的设备操作, either continuously or during 权力-up.

用于检测随机故障及时(FIT)和风险可能性的安全机制的有效性通过各种度量来衡量, including single-point fault metric (SPFM) and latent fault metric (线性调频). 这些指标用于度量给定硬件组件的功能安全性.

ASILs establish safety requirements for automotive components

ASIL refers to the 汽车 Safety Integrity Level, 由ISO 26262标准定义的用于道路车辆功能安全的风险分类系统. ASIL A systems have the least stringent level of safety reduction, whereas ASIL D is the most stringent. Because higher ASIL levels typically imply increased levels of cost and complexity, 给定系统所需的ASIL级别与该系统故障对车辆运行的影响直接相关.

硬件系统, ASIL需求确定了故障度量的必要值,如下表所示.

ASIL                                失败率(适合                              线性调频                                 SPFM                                   
A                                < 1,000                                 —                                 —                                   
B                                < 100                              ≥ 60%                              ≥ 90%                                
C                                < 100                              ≥ 80%                              ≥ 97%                                
D                                < 10                              ≥ 90%                              ≥ 99%                               

微米 announces industry-leading portfolio of auto-qualified solutions for safety

鉴于我们对汽车市场的深入了解以及存储器在安全应用中的作用和重要性, 美光公司高兴地宣布我们业界领先的基于安全的解决方案组合. 这些解决方案强调了我们30年来为汽车市场提供领先解决方案的承诺. 这也反映了美光在过去两年中在许多方面进行的一系列广泛投资,以满足对符合安全标准的解决方案的新需求:

  • Forming a dedicated functional safety office staffed with industry safety veterans
  • Adopting ISO 26262-compliant processes and methodologies across 微米
  • Establishing a team of safety experts, including system architects and 应用程序 engineers for consultation support
  • 引入业界首个由业界领先的安全专家进行的独立评估, exida美光的汽车LPDDR5适用于包括ASIL D在内的安全系统
  • 根据ISO 26262-8第13条,获得供应商执行的硬件评估报告
  • 进行广泛的功能安全分析,大大简化客户分析

美光符合jedec标准的LPDDR5是美光广泛的汽车内存和存储沙巴体育结算平台组合中的第一款沙巴体育结算平台,被认为适用于任何ASIL级别的安全系统. System integrators are ultimately responsible for justifying that all electronic components and subsystems are suitable for safety-related systems; 微米 as the memory developer is in a position of expertise and design data availability to support system integrators in that justification. 微米’s LPDDR5 product is accompanied with product-safety documentation collateral, including a hardware evaluation report by the first industry supplier, as well as safety application notes and analysis reports. 除了, 符合安全标准的LPDDR5记忆体系列包含独特且创新的“安全引擎”,” which enables significant system-level, 权力, performance and cost benefits to be realized. 美光安全解决方案使系统集成商能够更好地确保DRAM不受系统故障的影响,同时显著提高系统性能, 权力, 成本和可用性.

It is only through 微米’s extensive understanding of DRAM, the automotive market and associated architectures, and functional safety that 微米 can deliver this innovative product family. The first automotive-qualified package configurations are available now, and the product is in high-volume manufacturing at our fabrication facilities.

A leading independent functional safety expert, exida, 提供了这样的评论:“功能安全对于先进汽车系统的发展至关重要, 但到目前为止, memory has had a somewhat neglected commercial off-the-shelf existence,” said Alexander Griessing, chief operating officer and principal safety expert at exida. “美光推出了业界领先的汽车LPDDR5,并专注于ISO 26262, setting a new standard for the rest of the memory industry. This increased attention to functional safety will benefit all, from automakers to consumers who need advanced, 安全的车辆.”


Pay close attention to this space to learn more about safety, including additional details of 微米’s safety solutions portfolio. 您可以在这里了解有关此硬件评估报告和美光业界领先的功能安全支持的更多信息: http://www.微米.com/Fusa

Sr Director, 汽车 Systems Architecture, EBU


罗伯特贝耳俾, senior director of 汽车 Systems Architecture and Segment 市场ing, is responsible for the 策略, marketing and product definition for 微米’s 汽车 Division business group. 加入美光之前, Robert spent more than 30 years in systems, 在柯达担任各种工程和执行职务, 阿尔特拉, 大规模集成电路逻辑, 和Xilinx. Robert brings a wealth of experience at the system level in architecture, 策略, vertical marketing and product planning. Robert撰写了多篇沙巴体育安卓版下载广泛行业主题的文章,并在信道编码领域拥有40多项专利, digital signal processing, and programmable logic devices.