

美光科技| 2023年11月

沙巴体育安卓版下载烤架护理的智能对话, 技术和其他感兴趣的沙巴体育结算平台. This “conversation” and any associated products become highly relevant to the user.


The ads would be significantly more effective since generative AI hones the message, 创建一个唯一的AD, and determines the format required for where the user will be viewing it. This becomes an enormous advantage for retailers to develop significantly more relevant, 有效的营销.


除了, 因为人工智能的精准定位, advertising dollars are not spent on the wrong people. A business is targeting the right audience and only them, saving time and money. 客户获取成本大幅下降.






This combined use of AI can also enable a better cross-platform user experience. 易趣知道你在亚马逊买了个烤架吗? No, and because of data privacy, this information sharing likely won’t happen anytime soon. But technology like a personal AI assistant built into your device knows and could tie it all together.

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Let’s say you like to grill — so much so that you spring for a new top-of-the-line BBQ grill. Then, only moments after your online purchase, you’re inundated with ads for the very same grill.

而且它不会停止. 购买后两周, it seems every other ad is for the very grill sitting on your back patio. 怎么了? Isn’t personalization supposed to figure this stuff out?




推荐引擎 have been the cutting edge of marketing for the last 10 years, 大力推动电子商务. And no wonder: Harvard Business Review points out that personalized user experience can deliver five to eight times 营销支出的投资回报. 《沙巴体育结算平台》注意到了这一点, 在Netflix, over 80% of stream time is driven by personalized recommendation. 它一直运行良好.

Historically, these engines use a combination of filters:

Generic, which identifies items that are similar to what a user 搜索ed for or what is most popular.

Content, which examines user history, identifies keywords and makes suggestions of similar content.

协作, 用户在哪里被分配到一个组, 基于该用户的历史记录, and items liked by other members of the group are presented.

While recommendation engines have been highly effective for retailers, there are shortcomings for other areas of business, like the barbeque grill problem for advertisers.



进入联想AI, where a model is trained to understand that you’re interested in the grill, 你买下了烤架, 你是某种类型的购物者, and that you are likely to need grill-related items.

It also takes into account grill product inventory and product discounts across retailers. In fact, the parameters here are almost limitless. The more data the model considers, the better its suggestions will be. This complexity is why simple recommendation engines have difficulty with relevancy and why associative AI is critical.

As 牛津大学笔记, “New AI uses associative learning techniques rather than AI’s traditional neural networks to challenge the conventional wisdom that artificial neurons and synapses are the sole building blocks of AI.”

With associative AI, you are no longer inundated by ads for the same item after you buy your grill. 而不是, you’ll see ads for complementary products: a BBQ cookbook, 即时读取温度计, 清洁刷或堪萨斯城牛排.



Sophisticated associative AI recommendations are just the beginning. 下一个是生成人工智能, which could make the purchase relationship much more effective and efficient for the retailer and much more relevant and efficient for the consumer. If basic personalization can deliver five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend, imagine what generative AI can do when ads are personalized beyond “insert customer’s name here.”

For the retailer, generative AI makes ads smarter. While associative AI is guiding the user through the purchase process, 实际的广告可能是由AI生成的, 这样每次用户参与进来, the advertiser is offering a highly personalized, 沙巴体育安卓版下载烤架护理的智能对话, 技术和其他感兴趣的沙巴体育结算平台. This “conversation” and any associated products become highly relevant to the user.

The ads would be significantly more effective since generative AI hones the message, 创建一个唯一的AD, and determines the format required for where the user will be viewing it. This becomes an enormous advantage for retailers to develop significantly more relevant, 有效的营销.

除了, 因为人工智能的精准定位, advertising dollars are not spent on the wrong people. A business is targeting the right audience and only them, saving time and money. 客户获取成本大幅下降.



This combined use of AI can also enable a better cross-platform user experience. 易趣知道你在亚马逊买了个烤架吗? No, and because of data privacy, this information sharing likely won’t happen anytime soon. But technology like a personal AI assistant built into your device knows and could tie it all together.

Now you essentially have a personal assistant that delivers highly targeted, highly relevant recommendations based on a thorough understanding of who you are. 例如, AI understands when you bought your grill and could message you when it’s time for new pellets or a deep cleaning. 生成的人工智能 becomes seamlessly migrated into your everyday life, 就像你的水晶球, 一切都以你为中心.

然而,, 生成式人工智能的成长, it must be able to support e-commerce recommendations based on billions of parameters — all at lightning speed. 以满足这一需求, 微米 has developed an unparalleled memory and storage portfolio, uniquely positioned to fulfill the demands of AI — from 数据中心 to 设备. Our products can help engineer what generative AI will be capable of next. With this type of performance, AI is better for businesses and better for consumers.

所以科技真的可以丰富所有人的生活. 说到这里,我们开始烤架吧!
